Thursday, July 8, 2010 what do you think our chances are??...

Okay so most of you are going to think I am totally crazy ... but I can't resist! I am hoping someone of you have heard or read about the couple that, by word of mouth, found a baby to adopt via Facebook. Please don't quit reading now... I promise I haven't thoroughly lost my mind!

I was just curious... do you think that by word of mouth James and I could possibly find... somebody who knows someone who knows someones friend who knows their sisters co-worker's best friend is pregnant and wants to explore adoption? haha... get my drift? Seriously though, if it worked for one couple, why can't it work for another?

So here's my wish, my prayer, my request from those of you who graciously read my blog... all I'm asking is for you to keep James and me in mind. Keep our infertility story close to your heart. Keep our deep love for children and our desperate want to find our special baby alive in your head. That's it... It's simple really. Just spread the word. Add us to your prayer lists at your churches. Tell a co-worker about us. Share our struggles over dinner with your families. Just keep telling the story, over and over. And maybe, just maybe our prayers will be answered.

I have accepted the fact that more than likely I will not conceive a child of my own. But I am okay with that. As difficult as a decision that was to formulate, I do not need a biological child to fill this void. James and I would and will love an adopted baby as if he or she were our very own. We get plenty of practice with our neice and nephew. I love them so much! We are open to closed adoption, open adoption, semi-open adoption ... that part isn't particular to us. We just want to be able to provide love, warmth, and a stable home environment to a baby in need.

So I am begging you... if you know someone, tell someone. If you are a pregnant mom who happened to stumble across my blog... please reach out to us! I can only imagine the courage it takes to make such a selfless decision to provide more for your child. We will accept that responsibility and love and cherish and will be forever grateful for the gift of your child.

So as you can see this blog post is very different from many of the others... I am now asking for everyone's help. Something that is very diffculty for a controlling, type-A personality person such as myself! HAHA :) Please...just don't let our story die! And with a little hope, or maybe even luck... we might find ourselves as blessed as we could be if I were pregnant myself!