Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's been a while...

So I know it's been forever and a day since I've blogged, but overall... I haven't really felt the need to. But, since it seems like everyone around me is getting pregnant and having babies... I feel the need to blog.

The first thing I should update... Since March (which unfortunately is the last time I blogged...sorry!) I've had my gallbladder removed. For those closest to me... you knew it was just a matter of time. When my appendix ruptured in May 2007, I was diagnosed with gallstones. Per MD advice, they weren't bothering me... so we left my gallbladder alone. (Mainly because I was septic from my 3-day-old ruptured need for another potential infection! PS~ I'm sure it had nothing to do with my right-out-of-RN school self diagnosed UTI~) ANYWAYS... early May 2010 I had my first, and thank God, last 'gallbladder attack.' I was miserable and finally my MD, myself, and my so-full-of-stones it had to go gallbladder decided it was time to have it removed. May 26th I had surgery and got rid of it! As painful as it was to get rid of, I'm very happy to report it was a WONDERFUL decision! far, so good...

Second update... Since March my job title has changed some-what. I've been doing Baby Love and school nursing through the health department. Which I LOVE! But... the programs are being divided, and effective July 1st ... I am just a "School Nurse!" YAY~ I love the kiddos I work with and I think it'll be loads of fun... (get back to me, say... October and I'll let ya know for sure!) :)

As boring as my life is... those are the only two "updates" I feel the need to report at this time...

But, the main reason for blogging tonight... STRESS! I am very thrilled and happy for all the preggo's around me! I love each and every one of them with all my heart. :) HOWEVER~ Selfishly... I always wonder, when will it be me?!?! My hope is... since my gallbladder has come out (which tends to have the potential be some-what of an issue during pregnancy...) that God will bless us with that little bundle of joy we've longed for! I know I know... when the time is right, it will happen~ Right? Isn't that what you're thinking... haha~ it's easy to guess the thoughts of others now-a-days because no one really knows what to say to an infertile person. I wouldn't have known what to say three years ago... (I really can't believe I've been trying-to-conceive for three whole years... YIKES!)'s hard to put into words what to say to someone when you don't know what to say in the first place. Infertility is a hard topic... mainly because it's a silent disease. The world doesn't discuss it all that much. Carrying and having the baby is a much more pleasant topic... if we talked about the years people spent trying for that 9 month ECSTATIC & THRILLING period of time... I don't know what the real view of pregnancy would be? Oh well... I'm not supposed to have all the answers. :)

So I've decided a few things in the last few days...

First... I really need to win that 1075kzl Secret Sound cash... holy cow! What a GREAT start to my IVF fund! Any suggestions on how to get through to be caller 15 or what the sound may actually be... I'm all ears! :)

Second... To all of my closest friends... more specifically Stephanie Russell~ I'm gonna need you to have another baby... like ASAP! I need a baby fix majorly... so I'm thinking for Father's Day... you and Miss Madison need to talk Daddy into getting her a brother! :) haha...let me know how that goes, okay?!?!

Third... To my Sister-in-Law Joetta (who I know will read this ...cause she can't get enough of me!) :) LOVE YOU~ I'm gonna need you to make me an AuNtIe for the 3rd time! As previously said... I need a baby fix majorly... And since history tends to repeat itself (and yes... I'm about to spread your business all over the world-wide-web!) ... I know this is your fertile time of year! My precious niece and nephew both had February due dates...and now have February birthdays! Soooo... @ this Luau on Saturday, I'm gonna need to address this with you and Micheal so that we can get the ball rolling... so to speak! :) I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Fourth... I need the power of prayer! For those of you who have already added me to your prayer lists... THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! For those of you who haven't... PLEASE do so! The power of our Great Lord in Heaven has performed miracles before... and I'm hoping and PRAYING He will perform another. I'd love to conceive naturally, without the help of fertility treatments (long shot I know...but I can hope!)... and so I need LOTS and LOTS of prayer!

Thank you all for continuing to follow my blog even though I haven't posted in forever! This is a wonderful stress relief and I feel tons better already! My 3 Year Wedding Anniversary is June 23rd... maybe we'll get an extra special gift 9 months from then... Love to all!

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